Friday, August 1, 2008

Thank God for Everyday with Denise! :)

So, I was on myspace a bit ago and my friend Heaven had a post that said she was on a strangers blog with a of course I had to see!!! A little background....Heaven is my super amazing friend who I have known since I was like born practically...she has two kids with her husband who is in Iraq right now. He has made some good Christian friends there and so all of there wives have become friends. So....all four of these girls have anniversaries close together and they decided since their hubbies are gone they would go out to celebrate their anniversaries together. How sweet.

So, they go to Zio's to eat all dressed up and meet this couple with their kids (i think) and they tell the couple that they are celebrating and the whole story. This couple was very sweet, a real blessing to them and blessed them by thanking them and paying for their celebration dinner! Isn't that so amazing! Thank God for wonderful people like Denise and her husband! There is a pic of the girls on her blog which I think is

Don't forget to pray for our troops and their families that miss them!

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